19Giu 2015

If we had one payor, it would make my job easier, the pharmacists job easier and ultimately the physician’s job easier. It’s families demanding heroic measures when they are not appropriate, and our society having such a skewed view of death that it’s hard for people to do their job and call it quits ethically […]

17Giu 2015

Beyond that, I sincerely hope you plan on bringing some Tides of War content back around. I missed out on multiple guns and probably this tank because of broken matchmaking and unrealistic goals for 64 person matches. I can barely get INTO a tank right now let alone get kills in one.. 3 points submitted […]

17Giu 2015

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16Giu 2015

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16Giu 2015

Just a bit further along the progression line. Ive gotten the Kaom setup going, only lacking the multi mod mace for now so just using a trash filler want, and the helm enchant is the other big money thing im missing.So i guess ill link my char here.Progression wise ive done Shaper and gotten my […]

16Giu 2015

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