17Apr 2015

Their patron saint is Aaron Franklin in Austin, who opened his bricks and mortar operation six years ago. His use of Angus prime meat, detailed attention to air flow in his self made offset smokers and strict adherence to all wood cooking created a transcendent smoked beef brisket that helped him become the only pitmaster […]

15Apr 2015

If parties want to prevent demagoguery, the only way to do so is to intentionally make the system un democratic and allow the party leaders an actual veto. They probably be severely punished by the voters in that election, but that democracy. Hopefully, given an election cycle for reflection, cooler heads would prevail and the […]

14Apr 2015

Ultimately I think this is at least the right conversation to be having. Talking about who is better between the social democratic leaning candidates like canada goose factory sale Bernie, Warren, Yang etc. Is much more productive than wading through the disingenuous positions held by a Beto O (Medicare for America y or entertaining corporate […]

12Apr 2015

One last question. You say that Pyroblast/REB are beign played in less than 6% of decks with red in them. Is that all decks with red? I ask that because a deck that has both red and blue is probably just going to want to run blue counterspells over Pyroblast and likely shouldn be included […]

12Apr 2015

Canada Goose Jackets lessons for republicans after romney Canada Goose Jackets buy canada goose jacket If the GP certifies that the person is fit for work canada goose outlet nyc there are four more boxes which must be ticked. These will be for a phased return to work, different hours or duties, or adaption to […]

11Apr 2015

This shirt was on top. It stank so bad I still dry heave thinking about it. It hard to see on the picture, but those are yellow stains all over the shirt.We get lots of interesting old stuff, Victorian cat collar, a 1800s french tapestry, old sears magazines, vintage records, 8 tracks etcWe recently got […]