15Feb 2015

If you even the same Ethnic group but not the same religion (See Indians for example and how Pakistanis feel about them And vice versa), things get tricky. There are African Pakistanis you know, who have lived here for centuries and none of them have ever complained of “racism” since they are Muslim, they are […]

13Feb 2015

My first half marathon I was nervously waiting at the start line when 2 men next to me (I female and was 24 at the time) loudly started discussing how a half marathon was a joke and anyone could run one. Then one of them looked at me and asked what distance I was running, […]

13Feb 2015

冰上 · 你是怎样开始花样滑冰的?是谁鼓舞了你? 我在5岁左右开始滑冰。就像很多加拿大男孩一样,我想联系冰球。但是在我可以打冰球之前,我需要知道如何滑冰。在我第一次学习滑冰时,我的教练就建议我联系花样滑冰。当时我对这个观点并不是很感兴趣,但是后来我就爱上了这项运动。随着我的成长,Jeffrey Buttle成为了我的偶像。我经常沉浸于看他的比赛,他告诉我,花样滑冰不仅仅在于跳跃,更是全方位的锻炼。 · 是什么鼓舞你每天刻苦训练? 我的梦想是有一天能够获得参加奥运会的资格。希望2018年平昌奥运会我可以做到。好像2010年温哥华冬奥会就行哎昨天,2014年的索契冬奥会就接踵而至。我知道下一届奥运会也会到来的很快,所以我需要利用好每一次训练的机会,让自己做好准备。 · 对于你的第一次比赛,你有哪些印象深刻的事情? 我只记得第一次比赛我获得了第二名。 · 你会在比赛前的什么时候吃些什么东西? 这真的取决于我当时的状态。有一些比赛会让我感觉比其他比赛更紧张,那时我会不吃东西。但是通常我会在比赛前1小时左右吃一些坚果。 冰下 · 你最喜欢哪个冰场? 我最喜欢的冰场是加拿大渥太华的Tire 中心滑冰场。这个冰场非常暖和,也许是我去过的所有冰场里最暖和的。那也是我第一次参加成年组全国锦标赛的地方,有很多美好的记忆。 · 为什么你选择Concerto冰鞋?是什么让这款冰鞋出众? 我喜欢这款冰鞋重量轻的特点。当我第一次选择艾迪时,重量是我最先注意到的。他们非常舒适,甚至第一次穿的时候,我的脚都不会有一点疼痛感。

13Feb 2015

The size of your ice chest and what types of food you are taking along will determine how many jugs of frozen water and salt you will need to make. For most standard size ice chests wholesale yeti tumbler, two jugs are adequate. However wholesale yeti tumbler, you may opt to use more if you […]

10Feb 2015

I ok with that alternative being out there and its proponents being honest about Solar: You pay more to get the piece of mind that you consuming less fossil fuels. I not OK with fish oil salesmen whose pitches people on reddit eat up, taking any and all statistics that possible support solar being more […]

09Feb 2015

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