24Dic 2014

Well, we had a crisis on my guild last week when we wiped during 3 days on Opulence rekill. We had a big argument and I demanded more preparation from everyone. I was tired of having to look at each individual fail and tell them how to solve it, it has to be their work, […]

24Dic 2014

We are arguing over the future of the removal of the electoral college, where it becomes individual votes that matter in an election, rather than electoral ones. The OP of this argument discussed that rural voters from rural areas should have their votes made unequal due to a smaller amount of population density. However, when […]

23Dic 2014

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20Dic 2014

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19Dic 2014

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18Dic 2014

Lol. Check out r/kava or r/kava kava. I found helpful info there as well as good vendors because kava is one thing you want to get quality with. I still see hope that an Artifact relaunch can work out, but Valve has to invest into it. Make all Cards for free, allow players to resell […]