12Mag 2014

I been on the overall podium in second and third place, but I really wanted a crystal globe to myself. I did it too; I have two crystal globes that I can call my own now. I am the season champion in the downhill and slalom.. The sun and our moon are completely different entities […]

11Mag 2014

To summarize: FFXIV caters most explicitly to two of the Bartle types: socializers (primarily) and achievers (as a close second). Explorers are restricted to lore and strategy (and both subsets have a small and dedicated community, as is normal for the subtypes). FFXIV is also explicitly designed as a game that gives killers absolutely no […]

11Mag 2014

The most interesting part of this chapter for me was the new insight into the mechanics of slavery. It seems that the “oaths” are a way of getting someone to chain themselves in their cheap canada goose own natal palace. Considering the horror of the guard leader when she found out rain destroyed his natal […]

08Mag 2014

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08Mag 2014

“EUREKA! I found it!” Removing his fingers, Charlie saw that firmly clutched in Mr. Wonka hand was an everlasting gobstopper that Wonka had placed in there last night. Taking a lick, Mr. Because he waited all night in queue and missed it. Then he requeued and waited 4 5 hours and finally got in. 15 […]

07Mag 2014

The majority of drug tests for THC are automatic, that is they take less than five minutes to produce results. Hair and blood test take less than 24 hours to perform, but may take a week or more to return. Never use it, never fear. How ever long it takes to get results and you […]